Neo enjoyed his first off leash walk today.
We're lucky enough to have the run of my in-laws farm with well fenced fields and not another person or dog to be seen. We have always intended to only let him off the lead there and not in public. I feel it is an unecessary risk to let him run free in a public place when we have the run of the farm, he is a breed with a bad reputation and will be a big dog who would easily scare someone who didn't know him, I know he wouldn't intentionally hurt anything but don't want to put him in a position to be hurt himself or blamed for something not of his doing. Besides hes got a long flexi lead which hes quite happy to jog along on and stop to sniff at regular intervals, hes not the most energetic dog in the world!
Anyway, we've practiced his recall at home and at puppy classes, also while in the park safely attatched to the flexi lead, each time the results have been good so I decided it was time to attempt it without a safety net.
As usual he was as good as gold, I called him to me a number of times throughout the walk and each time he trotted over took his treat and trotted off again. It was lovely to see him free and doing his own thing.
I had forgotten how social having a dog was. We have a small park at the bottom of our street which provides a nice half hour walk so if we've not been anywhere else I take him there for his daily walk, I've started to regularly meet the same people and they often stop and have a chat. Yesterday I had a natter with a couple of old chaps walking their terriers, they both thought Neo was lovely and kept commenting on how well behaved he was which I was really chuffed about. Its very gratifiying when your dog is praised for his behaviour and makes all the hard work worth it.
Travels with Gray Fox, Part 2.
5 years ago