We're off for a short break tomorrow, up to the Norfolk coast with Neo. We've rented a bungalow on a campsite in Eccles for four nights. Its his first trip away from home not to mention the drive which will be his first long car journey since I picked him up from Colchester. He does ok in the car now although I wouldn't go as far as saying he enjoys it, 'tolerates' is probably closer to the truth but hes certainly not distressed by it so fingers crossed all will go well. We're visiting my mum on the way up, she lives about an hours drive from where we're staying. My mum is not what you'd call a 'dog person' so Neo is quite honoured to be visiting her home, I don't envisage any problems though as he is such a good boy in the house, hes almost 7 months now and the worst hes done is chewed the bottom of the garden shed door. Mum has met him before but he was slightly smaller then! so mum be warned hes grown!
Its like taking a child on holiday (I'm guessing), hes got his own bag and I've had to write a list of stuff to take so I don't forget.
Everything has been washed for the trip, the car, the dog and his toys. As you can see from the photos hes a little concerned about me torturing his toys, he sat under them for a full 5 mins!!
Am hoping my next post will be full of praise for him and news of a successful break, fingers crossed.