Tuesday, 6 January 2009


Well the day we've spent almost eight weeks waiting for finally arrived, very early!
I was up at 5 O'clock, my husband was on nights so wasn't able to come and pick up the puppy, a friend came with me and he had strict instructions to be at my house by 6 or else, hes not known for his time keeping so when he arrived at 6.05 I was pretty impressed!

We'd decided to leave so early as it was to be a 2 1/2 hr drive, mainly on the M1 and M25 so I didn't want to get caught up in the notorious traffic jams.

We actually made very good time, good enough for us to stop off at a little chef for breakfast, we both remarked that the decor hadn't changed in these places since we were children, (some time ago!) and the food wasn't' much better either.

We arrived just after 9.30 at Alisons (the breeder) and were greet by Cali (the dam) and the four remaining pups, plus an extra mouth, Cali had fostered an 8 (ish) week old terrier pup and was quite happily letting her suckle to her hearts content, this is testimony to Calis good nature I think.

My boy was not difficult to spot, being the only fluffy male in the litter. He'd grown so much and I couldn't believe how laid back he was, 'Mr independent but happy to be fussed as much as possible!'

We spent a lovely hour chatting and playing with the pups but I had to get us out of there or we'd be staying the night! pups are so distracting.

Neo (we've finally agreed on a name and stuck to it) left the house with barely a whimper, I'd brought a cardboard box with me for him to travel in but if i'm honest I never intended for him to go in it! He travelled the whole two and a half hours on my lap as cool as a cucumber, waking a couple of times for a treat and a chew on his nylabone.

On arrival at his new home he explored the garden while my friend and I froze our socks off waiting for him to 'be quick'! I don't actually think this happened but I was willing to take the risk that it hadn't so I could go and warm my toes.

The cat isn't impressed with the new arrival and has spent most of the day sulking upstairs although he did oblige us with his presence for a couple of hours this evening before deciding having his bottom sniffed by a puppy was way beneath him and has gone back to bed.

All in all its been a successful first day, Neo has slept alot, played a bit and has had no 'accidents' I was expecting to be following him around with the kitchen roll all day.

Hes eaten very little but i'm putting it down to being away from his mum and litter mates for the first time and all the excitement, will give it a couple of days before I start to panic.

I have no idea what to expect tonight, hes been so good and laid back today I'm wondering if the monster is waiting for the crate door to shut before being unleashed!

Right now hes curled up asleep at the other end of the room, am guessing he'll wake up full of energy just as I want to go to bed! Welcome to the dog world!!!!


Anonymous said...

He looks cuter now he is bigger. Hope you got a good night's sleep - you must have needed it after all the excitement!

Tiger777 said...

Each night is getting quieter quicker! Hes a good boy.