Monday, 9 February 2009

Have had enough now!

One day of snow was fun, two was ok but now its just getting annoying! Yesterday was the first day I've managed to get the car out of my street and that was cause I had to get to work! It was sheet ice on the street on my return this morning and being bit of a whimp I got hubby to meet me and drive it down the road!

Its so unfortunate that this weather has arrived on the first few weeks of Neo being able to go out and about on his own four feet, I'm very aware that the next few weeks are important in regards to his socialization but its proving difficult to get much done as we've only managed to get the car out once this week and that was a quick trip into town. As he is still so young his walks have to be fairly limited so they are confined to within 15 to 20 mins of home and theres not an awful lot going on around here!

There is a small public field behind our estate so we've gone for short walks up there and hes befriended a Dalmation and a little girl. Our trip into the town centre on Sat was a success as he got lots of attention and loved every minute. Hes a real people dog at the moment and greets everyone with lots of enthusiasum.

Hes a little star on the lead, he continues to amaze me at how quickly he learns. Hes getting bolder now and striding out ahead so instead of encouraging him forward I'm having to encourage him back!

I still find it hard to believe how hes grown, well I can believe it, but I can't belive it, you know what I mean. I think back to how he travelled home on my lap that first day, wouldn't manage it now! He now has the whole of his crate to sleep in, it was initially partitioned off in half then increased to three quarters, in only five weeks hes grown enought to need the whole space!! People keep commenting on how big his paws are, personally i'm trying not to notice!!

In such a short space of time hes become very much part of our family and its been great watching how hes changed, hes gone from being a very quiet solitary pup who didn't really want to interact to a pup who loves to play and explore, has boundless energy and gives and wants plenty of affection.

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