Sunday, 12 April 2009

I ordered a wine glass for a friend and it arrived very well packed in some thick cardboard, as you can see Neo took great delight in shredding it, not so long ago it would have taken him days, now its a matter of minutes!!
I'm so pleased with how well behaved he is when it comes to his bones etc, I have no problems approaching him when he has a bone and he leaves it for me when asked. Its funny really as his preferred position with bone is to sit next to you or if he can he likes to put his front feet and bone in your lap. I gave him a pork roll (dried rolled pig skin for those not familiar with dog chews) this morning and was mildly surprised when he allowed the cat to sniff at it. I'm sure its mostly his gentle nature that makes him so unprotective over his food but I think i'll still take some credit for the training we've given him to get to this point. Hes never had his food or a chew removed from him without having something tasty to replace it and that has proved to be an excellent training tip.
Talking of training, hes still excelling at his puppy classes. Last week we put them in the stay and I was able to walk to half way across the hall, return to him and repeat before he was allowed to move and he performed this twice, the only pup to remain in the stay that long. I can feel my head swelling as I write!

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