Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Now I've gone and done it!

The bronze award test is happening next week and I've entered us! Wasn't going to do it this time but hes been doing so well and as its only £2.50 I thought we may as well have a go, whats the worst that can happen! Ok well we could fail but then we've gained the experience for the next time. I'm most worried about the controlled walk bit as his concentration is nil when there are other dogs walking around at the same time, also he has very little interest in playing with his toy when at dog class, more interested in whats going on around him! so getting him to leave his toy on command won't be a problem...... he won't have picked it up!!!

We took him to the East of England Show in Peterborough at the weekend. He was a little over excited to begin with but soon settled and was as good as gold. I use a halti on him when we're in crowds as he does tend to pull and lunge a bit so this gives me a bit more control, the trouble is he dosen't really like it and I don't always need that much control so I was finding myself swapping between the halti and his collar until I discovered the double lead. I had seen people using one and then found a stall selling them. Its great, I can use just enough pressure on the halti when needed but otherwise can leave it loose and just use the collar, no more swapping the clips around.
One of the funniest moments was while we were walking around the livestock sheds. He wasn't keen on the cows so we went to look at the pigs which are all in their own pens. It was a hot day and all of the pigs were laying down asleep so Neo was quite happily sniffing around the pens, I swear he didn't realise there was anything alive in them as he came across one whos snout was poking out under the gate, of course he had to investigate and jumped a mile when the snout moved!! same happened with a trotter sticking out! Thankfully when we left all pigs still had snouts, ears and trotter still attached!!

Oh I almost forgot, hes started cocking his leg much to Brians delight! must be a man thing!!
I noticed he'd started 'marking' a bit a few weeks ago so figured it wouldn't be long, then I got a text while I was at work to inform me he'd finally managed it. Hes still perfecting the art, a bit wobbly but hes getting there (Neo that is not Brian!!)

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